PHP Configuration limits
Make sure to fulfil at least these PHP configuration parameters before importing a demo. You can either increase these limits on your own, or contact your web host.
max_execution_time 300
upload_max_filesize 64M
memory_limit 96M
post_max_size 32M
Automatically Import
- Log-in to your WordPress backend and open your WordPress importer Appearance>Imort Demo Data
- Click Import Demo Data
Manually Import
I have created a folder labeled demo-import which contains an export for the Live Preview.
- Log-in to your WordPress backend and open your WordPress importer Tool>Import>WordPress.
- Click on Choose file and select the
- Check the box Download and import file attachments. This will download attachments for images included in the Live Preview demo.
- Click Upload file and import.
If you manually imported, please read the article about configuring Elementor