Demo Content

PHP Configuration limits

Make sure to fulfil at least these PHP configuration parameters before importing a demo. You can either increase these limits on your own, or contact your web host.

max_execution_time 300

upload_max_filesize 64M

memory_limit 96M

post_max_size 32M

Automatically Import

  1. Log-in to your WordPress backend and open your WordPress importer Appearance>Imort Demo Data
  2. Click Import Demo Data

Manually Import

I have created a folder labeled demo-import which contains an export for the Live Preview.

  1. Log-in to your WordPress backend and open your WordPress importer Tool>Import>WordPress.
  2. Click on Choose file and select the optima-demo-content.xml
  3. Check the box Download and import file attachments. This will download attachments for images included in the Live Preview demo.
  4. Click Upload file and import.

If you manually imported, please read the article about configuring Elementor

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